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Photo credit: Antonio Furino - Courmayeur, Courmayeur - Ski Italy, Ski Aosta, Mont Blanc, Italy at its Peak. Courmayeur Mont Blanc Funivie is opening two new slopes with amazing panoramic views.

Photo credit: Antonio Furino - Courmayeur, Courmayeur - Ski Italy, Ski Aosta, Mont Blanc, Italy at its Peak. Courmayeur Mont Blanc Funivie is opening two new slopes with amazing panoramic views.

Photo Credit: Antonio Furingo – La Suche – Courtesy Courmayeur Tourism Office

The idea behind this blog is to put all the news we think are interesting about the mountains all year long – now getting ready for this winter! We like to post inspiring pictures and blogs that will help you dream and plan your perfect vacation.

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