In order to both keep the International Report on Snow & Mountain Tourism available for free download on the Internet and to ensure the sustainability of its yearly update, several individuals, companies and organisations get mobilised since 2016 and participate to the crowdfunding campaign. This support enabled up to now to cover about half of the investment in the preparation of the 2016 and 2017 reports.

2018 will see a new updated issue of the International Report on Snow & Mountain Tourism, which will be released next April. The subscription to the 2018 crowdfunding campaign is therefore now open and a renewed call is addressed to all the fans of this world acknowledged international report to support it with a voluntary contribution. Independent of the amount of its contribution (over a technical minimum), each contributor will be listed in the acknowledgments section of the report.
So please express your support and announce by return e-mail to your contribution to the 2018 crowdfunding campaign. Details how to proceed are mentioned at the bottom of this message.
I thank you for the careful attention you will give to this message together for your commitment and remain available for any further information.
With best regards
Laurent Vanat, Consultant
19, Margelle, 1224 Geneva – Switzerland

Technical details:
The crowdfunding process will be utmost simple: each individual support will be welcomed and all voluntary contributions that will be received up to March 15th, 2018 will be considered for listing as contributors of the 2018 issue. You can simply reply to this mail to announce your contribution and proceed to payment. Contributions can be sent either by Paypal (from your own account or your credit card) at or by transfer on account no 5030.04.21 with Banque Cantonale de Genève, Geneva, Switzerland (Holder’s first name: Laurent, holder’s last name: Vanat, swift code: BCGECHGGXXX, clearing: 788, IBAN: CH24 0078 8000 0503 0042 1). For practical reasons however the acknowledgment listing will limit to contributions over CHF 50 for individuals and over CHF 200 for corporations.

All funds will be solely allocated to the preparation of the 2018 issue. Any surplus will be donated to the Mercy Ships charity fund.
In order to safeguard the total independency of the report, a contribution will not give title to any other inclusion in the report, display of logo, control over its content neither to publication of any editorial or advertising content, nor any other right. Nomination of the 2018 contributors in the acknowledgment listing will be limited to the 2018 issue. The amount of individual contributions will not be published. Please indicate clearly the name of the contributor to mention when you send your contribution; by default, the payers name will be used. An invoice will be supplied on request. This crowdfunding process is governed by the laws of Switzerland. Forum is Geneva.

About the author:
Laurent Vanat is an independent consultant with skills as a general
practitioner and a specialist. With a Master’s degree in commercial &
industrial sciences from the University of Geneva, he has over 30 years
of professional experience as both a business consultant and a senior
executive in upper management. He possesses executive experience in
sales, finance and general management on the one hand, and advises
companies and organizations of all horizons on the other. This broad
experience means that Mr. Vanat is well acquainted with numerous
Heavily involved in the tourism, hospitality & leisure industry, Mr. Vanat
has closely followed the ski area industry for numerous years. In his
search for information on ski areas, Mr. Vanat quickly understood the
importance of tracking skier visits and collecting statistical data. Noting
the difficulty in consolidating this information for the Swiss market, he
found a way to contribute to the industry by taking the initiative to start
a systematic collection of visitor data and publishing an end of season
report. Since winter 2004/05, this document has been recognized and
important reference for Switzerland.

In order to analyse the competitive position of major players in a wider
perspective, via invitation from leading industry bodies and tourism conferences,
he extended the scope of the research to produce an overview of the key industry figures worldwide. For several years now, the International Report on Snow & Mountain Tourism has become a reference in the industry, conferences and TV interviews.
Beside his personal involvement in the sector of snow & mountain tourism, Mr.
Vanat runs his own consulting firm specialising in business management.
More information on Laurent Vanat on his website.
Laurent has been a speaker and a presenter at the recent European Mountain Travel Summit in Crans Montana. More info on this event here.
I also have written about a preview of the EMTS here.
Featured Photo: Laurent Vanat has launched a crowfunding campaign to keep on the sustainability of his yearly International Report on Snow & Mountain Tourism- Photo copyright: Laurent Vanat.