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Earthquake triggers tsunami warning for coastal Alaska, Canada’s British Columbia and a warning for the US West Coast. – Tsunami warnings cancelled- updated

Massive storm - photo by John Fowler - Unsplash

Massive storm - photo by John Fowler - Unsplash

Updated 1:45 PM GMT time – News from

Tsunami warnings canceled after magnitude-7.9 earthquake off Alaska

(CNN)Forecasters canceled tsunami warnings for Alaska and the US and Canadian west coasts Tuesday after an earthquake in the Gulf of Alaska stoked fears of damaging waves.

The tsunami alerts were canceled “because additional information and analysis have better defined the threat,” said the National Tsunami Warning Center in Palmer, Alaska
Tsunami warnings in Alaska and Western British Columbia and US Coast. Photo by Michael Dam – Unsplash

Read more on this story on the CNN website.

10:30 AM GMT time – News from CBS

An earthquake with a magnitude of 8.2 off Alaska’s Kodiak Island prompted a warning for tsunamis for most of coastal Alaska and British Columbia in Canada. The rest of the US west coast is now under a tsunami watch.


This earthquake was recorded this early Tuesday morning 157 miles SE of Kodiak Island.

Cellphones in Alaska received warnings from the National Weather Service warning: “”Emergency Alert. Tsunami danger on the coast. Go to high ground or move inland.”

The quake was felt hundreds of miles away, in Anchorage.

Due to this, a tsunami warning was issued for coastal areas of Alaska and British Columbia, from the border of Washington State to Attu in Alaska.

“If you are located in this coastal area, move inland to higher ground,” the office said. “Tsunami warnings mean that a tsunami with significant inundation is possible or is already occurring. Tsunamis are a series of waves dangerous many hours after initial arrival time. The first wave may not be the largest.”

Stephen Arnold photo – Unsplash

The National Weather Service also put a big chunk of the U.S. West Coast on alert:


“A Tsunami Watch is in effect for California, the Coast from the Cal/Mexico Boarder to the Oregon/Cal Border including the San Francisco Bay. Updates will be provided as soon as we have them


Hawaii is also under tsunami watch.


For more information, check this developing story on CBS news.

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Featured image: Massive storm – photo by John Fowler – Unsplash

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