This past Sunday, three Spanish skiers have died, overtaken by an avalanche and two others where found alive in Fiescheralp, communicated the Swiss Police. This winter and spring were one of the most mortal ones due to avalanches.
As per the press release from the Police Office of the Valais canton, of a group of five skiers, three people have died and other two have been found alive. “The first investigations point to the victims being from Spanish origin. The formal identification of the deceased is being taking place”, says the release.
The five people were part of a group that on Saturday started a ski touring trip in direction of the Fiescheralp station, in the Valais canton, near the Aletsch glacier. When they were at 2,450 meters of altitude, around 16.45 hours (14.45 GMT), an avalanche trapped the five skiers.
“Another group that was in the sector realised of the start of the avalanche and could inform the police of the canton. These people started the first search”, explains the release.
The skiers were taking the ARVA equipment to detect victims of avalanches. Thanks to that, two of the victims were found quickly with minor injuries and taken to the hospital of Viège in helicopter on Saturday night. The other three skiers were found dead.
On Saturday night, due to the bad climate and visibility, the intervention of the rescue teams was interrupted during the night. The police said, “once the meteorological conditions would allow it, the operation to recuperate the victims will proceed.”
More info in Spanish: Lugares de Nieve
In English –
Unfortunately, we have been covering lots of avalanche deaths this season, the risk is still high, so be careful if venturing out. Even if you are good, you can still be caught by an avalanche and not live to tell. Having all the equipment helps for being rescued, but not necessarily you’ll be alive when found!
We’ve covered the avalanches during the Christmas period, two more also in Switzerland, the ones in the Verbier region, and the last ones on another weekend. This on top of the ones on the Grand Montets area.
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Featured image: Photo by JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock (9488635h)
Rescue crews move into direction of the avalanche site to search for five hikers who were carried away on 31 March by an avalanche in Obers Taelli over the Fiescheralp, in Fiesch, Switzerland, 01 April 2018. An avalanche reportedly ‘carried away’ five people on 31 March in Fiesch in the Swiss Upper Valais region. Police said on 01 April that three persons were killed and two others were injured.
Rescue works after avalanche in Swiss Alps, Fiesch, Switzerland – 01 Apr 2018