Ski trails opened between the 1250 and 1700 cotes. Chapelco is expecting big snowfalls in the next days now that they opened their ski season 2018.
Chapelco has opened its ski season 2018 with a classic winter day of fog and bad weather, the ski resort has opened its Cablecar, the Chairlift Graeff, the Chairlift 63 and the Chairlift Rancho Grande with 1000 visitors to enjoy the snow in the trails that go from Plataforma 1700 until the base of the chairlift Rancho Grande at 1250 m approximately.

With a temperature of 2 C, moderate winds and little visibility, Chapelco offered 35 cm of compact snow in its Platform 1600. All areas of Ski and Snowboard School, Nursery and Snow Kindergarden, dog sledges, snow shoes and snowmobile were open to the public. The equipment rental in the base of Chapelco and the photo service received as well the first visitants. All the mountain restaurants opened their doors and showed the World Cup games on big Led screens on HD.
Yesterday on 1st July the start of the first course of Residents of the Ski Season will start, where the residents of the provinces of Rio Negro and Neuquen can take ski and snowboard lessons with the best rates of the seasons in packages that includes lift tickets, lessons and equipment rental.
Chapelco is expecting lots of snow for the next days that will allow to open the different sectors of the ski resort. The resort and the town of San Martin de los Andes are expecting a big influx of guests in the next days.

For more information on Chapelco go here.
You can read more information on how they deal with avalanche prone terrain in the interview to Coco Torres, former Head of Operations of Valle de Las Leñas. Or see how Las Leñas, Portillo and Valle Nevado were getting ready to open their ski seasons.
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Featured Image: Las Pendientes lodge by the side of Chapelco ski resort, great little place where to stay at Chapelco.