Will we ski this December?
It is almost mid-November and we are stuck in the lockdown 2.0. Many of us are thinking if we will ski this December. What is going to happen? Who knows? The reality is that we are all locked in- to be honest, this is not too much of a lockdown, so for me, at least, is not so bad. I do feel bad for those with shops, gyms, pools that have to close down. And for the restaurants, bars and cafes that can only sell take away.
I myself have not been going to much to any bar or restaurant inside since March. I did go twice in the summer in Morgex, to my beloved La Locanda. But we’ve eaten outside once, and once inside because the weather was foul. But there was no virus going around Valle d’Aosta at that time and it felt safe. And this lockdown gave me time to fall in love with cooking all over again. And planting, and drawing more. But I do go and get coffees from my local shops and sausages for my dog Ozzy!

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Now, as kids go to school, and work is picking up (slowly), I cook what I need only. So this is lockdown without the plus of waking up whenever your body tells you to do so! It is ok, there will be light at the end of the tunnel. I am only very sorry of the quantity of people missing dear ones to this pandemic. We become untouched with the reality hearing like about 400 people died today of Covid. It is awful if you think about it. I guess is that your brain tries to protect you of the terrible news to keep going on.
Dreaming of skiing and white Christmas. Will we ski this December?
Right now, I am thinking a lot about our trip in December to the mountains. We have already given up to our October half term drive to Morgex due to many factors. From the testing in the UK (that was aprox £600 more), and then the coming and quarantining for two weeks. I would have done it, but the boys would not be able to go to school and who knows how the schools react…. (being Argentine I don’t see it how people in the UK sees it…for me there is no better experience than travelling). So we’ve missed the autumn colours in the Aosta Valley. At least I could see them online thanks to the many accounts I follow on social media. Next year, is what I have to remind myself, I will be there.

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