A new Leitner-Poma empty gondola cabin from Copper Mountain Crashes to the Ground.

Copper Mountain photo. A new Leitner-Poma empty gondola cabin from Copper Mountain Crashes to the Ground.

An empty gondola fell off American Eagle new lift from manufacturer Leitner-Poma. No one was injured in a test-run incident, the lift will still open in Copper Mountain this Saturday.

A new Leitner Poma empty gondola cabin has crashed to the ground in Copper Mountain on Monday. Nobody was injured in this incident. The lift is scheduled to open Saturday, it was announced by the Summit County ski resort.

A new Leitner-Poma empty gondola cabin from Copper Mountain Crashes to the Ground.
A new Leitner-Poma empty gondola cabin from Copper Mountain Crashes to the Ground.

This incident happened at 11 AM, just after the gondola took off from the American Eagle base terminal. The lift was not open to the public as this happened during a testing procedure.

Leitner-Poma, the construction contractor, has reviewed the lift and concluded that it was not damaged. Copper Mountain is working closely with Leitner-Poma and the Colorado Passenger Tramway Safety Board to ensure that the American Eagle lift will operate safely and reliably.

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Thanks to a DNA test confirmation, the remains found near the Matterhorn where matched to a Japanese climber.

Matterhorn by Chris Holgersson. Thanks to a DNA test confirmation, the remains found near the Matterhorn where matched to a Japanese climber.

Thanks to a DNA test confirmation, the remains found near the Matterhorn where matched to a Japanese climber.

On 11 September of 2018, a rescuer from Zermatt discovered bones of a human body and mountain gear at the foot of the Matterhorn. These are related to an accident in 2014.

Matterhorn Frisch Verschneit. Matterhorn in winter. Thanks to a DNA test confirmation, the remains found near the Matterhorn where matched to a Japanese climber.
Matterhorn Frisch Verschneit. Matterhorn in winter. Thanks to a DNA test confirmation, the remains found near the Matterhorn where matched to a Japanese climber.

On July 23rd, 2014, a 40-year-old Japanese mountaineer climbed the Matterhorn alone. He never returned and he was considered missing.

Time passed, and on September 11, 2018, a rescuer from Zermatt found the human bones and mountain gear at the foot of the wall on the eastern side of the Matterhorn – this was due to melting snow which allowed the bones and equipment to resurface.

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Richard Branson got ‘seconds from death’ on charity Mont Blanc climb

Sir Richard Branson and his son Sam almost did not make it in a charity climb to the Mont Blanc. Picture PA. Nepal Herald.

Richard Branson got ‘seconds from death’ on charity Mont Blanc climb

“Three seconds earlier we would all certainly have been killed. I have never come so close to losing my son,” Sir Richard said.

From: Nepal Herald and Sky News.

The 68-year-old, along with Sam and his nephew Noah Devereux reached the top of the mountain on Saturday afternoon after completing the 33-day Virgin Strive Challenge – a 2,000km trek across Western Europe.

Sir Richard Branson climbs Mont Blanc in the Alps in the final stage of the Virgin Strive Challenge (Picture: PA) Nepal Herald.
Sir Richard Branson climbs Mont Blanc in the Alps in the final stage of the Virgin Strive Challenge (Picture: PA) Nepal Herald.

A core team of 13 hiked, climbed, cycled and even used sea kayaks to complete their journey from Sardinia to the top of Mont Blanc – raising money for the charity Big Change which helps disadvantaged young people in the UK.

After completing the climb, Sir Richard said: ‘God forbid, a few seconds earlier it would not have been as pretty – so I’m very thankful we got through it.

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A fire destroys Chamonix cable car months before the resort opens for winter- Grands Montets ski area opening informations

A fire destroys Chamonix cable car in the Grands Montets ski area, but the area will open for the winter.

Compagnie du Mont Blanc press release- In the early afternoon of Tuesday 11th September, a fire broke out during work to repair the roofing of the upper station of the 1st cable-car between Argentière & Lognan (Les Grands Montets ski area). This work was entrusted to a specialist sub-contractor.
The fire spread almost instantaneously throughout all the buildings of the arrival station, creating severe damage to the infrastructures of the two cable-cars.

Les Grands Montets funicular on the ground, luckily there were no victims.
Les Grands Montets funicular on the ground, luckily there were no victims.

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THREE HURT: Cars swept away by Swiss alpine pass avalanche

An avalanche has swept two cars while crossing the Klausen Pass in Switzerland. THREE HURT: Cars swept away by Swiss alpine pass avalanche. Photo of an avalanche by Caspar Rubin - Unsplash.

Three hurt: Cars swept away by Swiss alpine pass avalanche.  “Three people have been hurt after an avalanche swept away two cars attempting to cross an alpine pass in Switzerland on Sunday. All three were taken to hospital where their condition is described as non-life threatening.
The incident took place at around 2pm on the Klausen Pass that connects cantons Uri and Glarus in central Switzerland. At nearly 2,000 meters high, the mountain pass is still affected by snow and had only opened for road traffic earlier in the week”, reports Swissinfo.ch.


“Canton Uri police report that the avalanche struck 200 metres from the top of the pass, sweeping about 100 metres down the road. The injured car occupants were airlifted to hospital and a fourth passenger escaped from the incident unhurt.

Klaussen pass, where the avalanche struck two cars and pushed them away 200 meters from the top of the pass. THREE HURT: Cars swept away by Swiss alpine pass avalanche
Klaussen pass, where the avalanche struck two cars and pushed them away 200 meters from the top of the pass. THREE HURT: Cars swept away by Swiss alpine pass avalanche. Photo: Worldradio.ch

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Three Spaniard Skiers have died and two others are injured in Switzerland after an avalanche in Fiescheralp.

Photo by JEAN-CHRISTOPHE BOTT/EPA-EFE/REX/Shutterstock (9488635h) Rescue crews move into direction of the avalanche site to search for five hikers who were carried away on 31 March by an avalanche in Obers Taelli over the Fiescheralp, in Fiesch, Switzerland, 01 April 2018. An avalanche reportedly 'carried away' five people on 31 March in Fiesch in the Swiss Upper Valais region. Police said on 01 April that three persons were killed and two others were injured. Rescue works after avalanche in Swiss Alps, Fiesch, Switzerland - 01 Apr 2018. Three Spaniard Skiers have died and two others are injured in Switzerland after an avalanche.

This past Sunday, three Spanish skiers have died, overtaken by an avalanche and two others where found alive in  Fiescheralp, communicated the Swiss Police. This winter and spring were one of the most mortal ones due to avalanches. 

Helicopter searching the Spaniards caught in an avalanche. Photo EFE. Three Spaniard Skiers have died and two others are injured in Switzerland after an avalanche.
Helicopter searching the Spaniards caught in an avalanche. Photo EFE

As per the press release from the Police Office of the Valais canton, of a group of five skiers, three people have died and other two have been found alive. “The first investigations point to the victims being from Spanish origin. The formal identification of the deceased is being taking place”, says the release.


The five people were part of a group that on Saturday started a ski touring trip in direction of the Fiescheralp station, in the Valais canton, near the Aletsch glacier. When they were at 2,450 meters of altitude, around 16.45 hours (14.45 GMT), an avalanche trapped the five skiers.

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Tragedy strikes again in the Verbier region of Switzerland, one skier is dead and three are missing after an avalanche.

Avalanches- Mount Aspiring, an angry mountain, New Zealand- Photo by Aleks Dahlberg- Unsplash.

Tragedy strikes again in the Verbier region of Switzerland, one skier is dead and three are missing after an avalanche.

The authorities have found this past Saturday the lifeless body of one skier in the Verbier region. The group skiing with him is missing.

Verbier - Valais - Another avalanche killed one and three are still missing -
Verbier – Valais – Another avalanche killed one and three are still missing –


The dead skier was part of a group of four people that an avalanche caught last Friday. The police of the area have started to look out for the rest of the group.

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Avalanches claim several lives this past weekend in Switzerland

An Avalanche claimed a death in Arolla- Photo: Arolla in Switzerland.

In one report from Swissinfo.ch – a 40-year old hiker and a 57-year-old cross-country skier lost their lives in two separate avalanches in the Swiss Alps in recent days.


The hiker was a in a group of four that were swept away by an avalanche on Saturday near a steep gorge at 3,600m above the village of Arolla, which is popular starting point for hiking and ski tours. Rescue services managed to reach them and they were transported to hospitals in Martigny and Sion. However, the 40-year old woman from Valais died on Saturday night in the hospital. The other three hikers are recovering but are not in danger of losing their lives.

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Katie Ormerod will not compete in PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games

Katie Ormerod - X Games - Roxy photo

Team GB snowboard athlete Katie Ormerod has been ruled out of the PyeongChang 2018 Olympic Winter Games following a severe fracture to her right heel bone.

Katie Ormerod - photo from Roxy
Katie Ormerod – photo from Roxy

The 20-year-old from Brighouse was due to compete in snowboard slopestyle and snowboard big air and will undergo emergency surgery in the morning.

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The Panoramic Mont-Blanc lift, that connected Aiguille du Midi with Punta Helbronner has fallen down and will be closed this coming summer.

The gondolas that go on top of the Mar de Glace, from Aiguille du Midi in France (Chamonix) to Punta Helbronner in Italy (Courmayeur)

The Panoramic Mont-Blanc lift finished in the ground after suffering very weird conditions. A thick ice cover, thicker than the width of the cable covered a very long stretch of cable creating a very heavy mass, which made the cable collapse.

The Mont Blanc Panoramic Lift has fallen to the ground due to the weight of ice on top of its cable.
The Mont Blanc Panoramic Lift has fallen to the ground due to the weight of ice on top of its cable.

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