A Quick Guide to Indoor Skiing & Dry Slopes In The UK
The winter season here in the Northern Hemisphere is over, but that is no need to fret, this opens up the chance to brush up on your skills, dust off the cobwebs of the spring and basically spend the Summer building up to the Winter enjoying time at one of the many Indoor Skiing & Dry Slopes In The UK. The UK is home to many indoor and outdoor slopes, trust us, there is one near you.
Of course, the Summer is lovely, for the 1.5 days that it lasts here in the UK. We are under no illusions that we are akin to the likes of the Olympians who need to train for the Winter 7 days a week BUT wouldn’t it be great to build some muscle, get in some cardio and enjoy spending time with your family on the slopes.

Okay, let us set the scene, it’s the first day of your ski holiday, you haven’t booked lessons, thinking you will “get your ski legs back first”. You take the ski lift to the top of this expensive resort, you barely make it off the chair lift, as you seem to have forgotten how to disembark. Then as you place your goggles over your eyes and crouch into position as if you are about to take off then low and behold your legs go to jelly. Then you spend all of apres ski nursing your mulled wine while your leg muscles scream!
Instead, what if we told you – you could simply glide into your skis and show that red run who’s boss!
All you need to do is visit your local ski slope. From North to South, the UK has a ski slope near you that offers a fantastic experience, quality time with the family, excellent instructors and a chance to prepare. Maximising your time now, to make the most of your time on the slopes.
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