After 12 months of being closed due to a landslide, the Frejus rail tunnel will reopen in April. Trains from Paris to Milan will be able to connect again passing through Lyon and Turin.
But on the website of Italy’s Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane (FS) it says that the tunnel will open in March.

Supposedly the train was due to open by December 2024. Due to complications and “unstable and deep cavities discovered in the central area of the slope required additional work” -meaning that the opening was postponed to the first quarter of 2025.
It looks like there is a solid day for its opening now, even though all players, from SNCF Rêseau, the Department of Savoie, or FS have said much. Many rerouted services will be affected, with links between Turin, Chambéry and Lion, apart of Milan and Paris, and freight trains.
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