I was very sad to hear that Warren A. Miller, the pioneer ski movies filmmaker has passed away yesterday. He was 93, but he did have a great life. He promoted the idea of ‘pure freedom’ that is associated with skiing. He was a self-taught filmmaker who started filming himself for an annual narrated ski movie shown in small theatres. Over the years, he continued narrating all his films, his voice is very warm, and recognisable. He makes fun out of skiing and is ok of making fun out of himself. His company, Warren Miller Entertainment, has produced more than 500 adventure sport films.
The UK Ice Maiden Women Only British Army team celebrates Antarctica ski record
The largest women-only group composed of six women from the British Army was the largest all-female group to ski coast-to-coast across Antarctica.

This expedition started for the Ice Maiden team on 20th November and went on for 1,000-miles, pulling an 80 kg sledge behind them.
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