Getting a European Passport for your Pet to travel to Europe? Not for everyone!
Would you get a European Passport for your pet to travel to Europe? I would. I know this is not for everyone, but after forking out £180 per trip in my last trips to the Alps, I’ve heard that there was a third way. Being Argentine, I like third ways…. So listen on…
For all of you having a second home in the continent, or having family there, you can register your dog in that address in Europe with the police. Then, you can get a passport. I am not sure in each country, but in Poland, it can be done directly by a veterinary. The same case is in France. For us, in Italy, we had to make an appointment with the USL.

Once there, it was simple as chips. With the paperwork done, and the rabies vaccine given in Europe you can get a European Passport. It costs EUR 20, and as far as I can see, there is no expiration date!
So, this is a no brainer! Brexit has made it much more difficult going into Europe with things we used to be accustomed to before. But I like always when there is a third way!
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