Sierra Nevada in Andalucia, Spain has kicked off its season 2017-18.

Night Skiing at Sierra Nevada

Sierra Nevada in Andalucia, Spain, has invested 1.4 millions Euros for the 2017-18 ski-season. They invested in snowcats, new snowmobiles, more snow cannons, a restaurant in Montebajo and developing more activites for non-skiers.

Mirlo Blanco recreation zone in Sierra Nevada
Mirlo Blanco Recreation Zone in Sierra Nevada

Continue reading “Sierra Nevada in Andalucia, Spain has kicked off its season 2017-18.”

Ski Biz News – Why attending the Trade Exchange @MTS2018 is a savvy investment!

MTS attendees having a great time at a closing party on top of the mountain - Banff, MTS 2017

Take a closer look

Ski Business: At the Trade Exchange at MTS 2018, you can reach your ideal client, build brand awareness, and make connections to last a lifetime. The Trade Exchange brings together hundreds of buyers and sellers from 35+ countries in a “speed-dating-for-business” atmosphere. Watch and see why you should join us in Heavenly – South Lake Tahoe 8-14 April 2018.


Continue reading “Ski Biz News – Why attending the Trade Exchange @MTS2018 is a savvy investment!”

Ski TV visit to Gstaad

Check this video made by our partner SkiTV on Gstaad this last season – start thinking about snow!

Copyright: Ski TV Europe – 

Ski TV will be filming this season all over Europe and will be sindicated

For more news come and keep on checking and visit our social media:








Welcome to this blog – all things Mountains!

Photo credit: Antonio Furino - Courmayeur, Courmayeur - Ski Italy, Ski Aosta, Mont Blanc, Italy at its Peak. Courmayeur Mont Blanc Funivie is opening two new slopes with amazing panoramic views.

Photo Credit: Antonio Furingo – La Suche – Courtesy Courmayeur Tourism Office

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