If Gondolas Could Talk, a Great Book as a Present for the Winter Sports Lovers
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This article may contain affiliate/compensated links. For full information, please see our disclaimer here.
What to buy to the skier or boarder at heart for Christmas
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Christmas is coming and now we are starting to freak out that we need to sort out what to purchase for those we love. If they are madly in love with skiing or boarding, now that in the Northern Hemisphere is getting cold, what better idea than purchasing something snow/ski/boarding related?
Here are some things I am coming up with that I would not mind myself as my own presents, so I hope you could shop for those you love, or if not, get something for yourself- because at the end of the day, you are worth it!
Cushions: I insist on them and bought four – they are not the cheapest, but they are lovely, these cushions of dog skiers to decorate your ski pad (or your home in the city, just to think about the mountains) – There are lots of different models, from Etsy.
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