The Pemberton Aerothlon 2019 is open to participants and sponsors.
The Aerothlon is a contest that mixes cross-country running, paragliding and mountain biking in that order. There are five international events in Mexico, Peru, Romania, Colombia and in Canada. The Canadian version is in Pemberton, BC and will be celebrated on September 1st.
This event introduces paragliding to runners and bikers and vice-versa. You can form teams or do all three sports if you run, paraglide and mountain bike.

This is the second year for the Pemberton Aerothlon after its inaugural event in 2018. The Pemberton Aerothlon will be on September 1st, 2019.
There was a variety of international athletes participating in this event last year. There are not too many people paragliding in Canada as you see in Europe. So, this event can teach many wannabees how to get into the sport.
Aerothlon categories:
- Team relay where each person does different sport.
- Individual , where hard core athletes such as ones from do all three sports, run, fly and bike. - The Tandem duo, where the athlete who runs and bikes goes with the tandem pilot.
If you run or only bike, and do not paraglide and wish to go tandem, each participant can enter the bike or run only categories for separate prizes in each discipline.
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