Old knees do not need to mean no more skiing! ski~mojo’s review
As I am writing this, I am about to turn fifty, and I still think daily on skiing. But my body is not the same one as before, and even though I consider myself pretty fit, my knees have not been great for a while. With a broken meniscus, which I never fixed as I don’t want to go through a knee-hole surgery if I can avoid it, to pain in my knees, and a recovering knee from a MCL injury, I am starting to wonder if my skiing days are going to be over soon.
So, I was thinking what I can do to keep on going – I always said that when I have no more knees, I’ll dedicate more to cross country skiing and snowshoeing, basically, to any activity to keep me in the mountains and enjoying the fresh air and scenery.

I’ve even thought of maybe learning how to sit-ski, like people suffering with paraplegia or quadriplegia do. But that seems really hard, and I do take my hat to these sit skiers!
I have been reading for a while of some aiders to old knees, and as far as I’ve seen in the market there are two major brands- one UK that has been promoting their product with the help of ambassadors of the likes of Chemmy Alcott – called ski~mojo, and one that is from Eastern Europe that is called Againer.
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