Does the snow in the Northern Hemisphere correlates with the Southern Hemisphere?

Does the snow in the Northern Hemisphere correlates with the Southern Hemisphere? Photo: Valle de Las Leñas in Mendoza, Argentina.

Does the snow in the Northern Hemisphere correlates with the Southern Hemisphere?

As the snow season is to start in South America, we who are born and bred there – (not necessarilly all living there anymore, but many of my friends are doing double seaason- in Chile or Argentina and then Aspen or Vail usually), always tend to think that the snow in the Northern Hemisphere is correlated with the snow in the Southern Hemisphere, mostly when the season is going to start down under.

Summer what Summer?

In Southamerica, specifically in Chile there is a saying: “Abril lluvias mil” that can be translated as: “in April we will have lots of rain”, but this has changed over the last 10 years or so.

There have been lots of Aprils without any rain in the cities, and no snow up in the mountains.
In the High Andes, due to the rocky formation of the mountains, you need a good month of natural snow to cover well all the mountain. Lately, all ski areas have been proactive and started installing snowmaking cannons and guns as Mother Nature is not reliable.

Valle Nevado picture on 14 June. Does the snow in the Northern Hemisphere correlates with the Southern Hemisphere?
Valle Nevado picture on 14 June. Does the snow in the Northern Hemisphere correlates with the Southern Hemisphere?

Chile had the driest start of the year from January to May so far in the last six decades. If there is no rain, there is no snow. There is a front coming now, not sure how much will leave at the high Andes and how much at the lower ones – Accuweather does not show too much in this respect.

Snow-Forecast is a bit more optimistic! I As per Snow-Forecast, Las Leñas has received 42 cm in the past week and is expecting 19 more cm in the next three days. Others that benefited are Puma Lodge with 59 cm, Nevados de Chillan with 56 cm, Corralco with 55 cm and Villarrica-Pucón with 47 cm. Antillanca also got 32 cm, Volcan Osorno 30 cm, Caviahue, in Argentina got 19 cm, Catedral 16 cm and Valle Nevado 16 cm.

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Chapelco opened the ski season 2018.

Las Pendientes lodge by the side of Chapelco ski resort, great little place where to stay at Chapelco.

Ski trails opened between the 1250 and 1700 cotes. Chapelco is expecting big snowfalls in the next days now that they opened their ski season 2018.

Chapelco has opened its ski season 2018 with a classic winter day of fog and bad weather, the ski resort has opened its Cablecar, the Chairlift Graeff, the Chairlift 63 and the Chairlift Rancho Grande with 1000 visitors to enjoy the snow in the trails that go from Plataforma 1700 until the base of the chairlift Rancho Grande at 1250 m approximately.

Chapelco - Patagonia, Argentina.
Chapelco – Patagonia, Argentina.

With a temperature of 2 C, moderate winds and little visibility, Chapelco offered 35 cm of compact snow in its Platform 1600. All areas of Ski and Snowboard School, Nursery and Snow Kindergarden, dog sledges, snow shoes and snowmobile were open to the public. The equipment rental in the base of Chapelco and the photo service received as well the first visitants. All the mountain restaurants opened their doors and showed the World Cup games on big Led screens on HD.

Continue reading “Chapelco opened the ski season 2018.”