What I am up to? January on a very cold day- rethinking my business

Ciaspolata in Pila. Photo: The-Ski-Guru's hubbie.

What I am up to? It is 10th January, on a very cold day, and I am rethinking my business!

I know I am a busy body, so I need to feel I am doing something all the time. This year I came to the conclusion that I want to relate more all the things I do in my life- because, after all, they are all related and they are all who makes me what I am. And they are the inspiration for my art, after all.

Camp4Coffee, in Crested Butte. Lovely little cabin with colourful number plates in downtown CB. Photo: The-Ski-Guru. Differences between skiing in North America and Europe
Camp4Coffee, in Crested Butte. Lovely little cabin with colourful number plates in downtown CB. Photo: The-Ski-Guru.

My early days in the ski business. What I am up to? January on a very cold day- rethinking my business.

Thankfully I work in a business I love, the ski business, in the tourism side of it. Counting years, I’ve realised that I’ve been 38 years involved in this business. How come? Started working in the back of a ski shop near my university in Buenos Aires- the shop was Buenos Aires Ski of the Cascio and Ronchetti families. I was in the back of the ski shop and when people came to buy their ski equipment or clothing, they were ambushed by me, to sell their ski holiday they did not know they needed!

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